Wednesday 21 November 2012

Day 221: Talking to the Dead - ADC - Part 68

This blog is part of the After Death Communication Series

The History with Life After Death – Part 52

Talking to the Dead

We will continue with discussing God in the Hereafter in the next Post.

This Post is in particular Assistance for Spiritualists, Psychics, New Agers, Mediums, UFO Enthusiasts, Christians – thus, Anyone that place Faith in the Unseen and is thus Impulsed to Disregard the Physical Oneness that exist between Life Forms on Earth, to Cause a World of Inequality.

For this, Watch the video by Derren Brown called “Messiah”. In this, of particular Importance is How he Demonstrates how easy it us to Dupe people, specifically around Communication with the ‘Dead’.

I can Confirm, through Research stretching more than 20 Years, that: what Derren Brown Demonstrates - is in fact so. And that, in Researching Many Psychics through the Years – I found less than 10 that In Fact had some form of Communication and in Books Published about this Subject – it is similarly so, that Most of the Books are not in fact Real Communication, but is Rather Preying on the Self-Interest of People - Using Words that will Stroke their Spiritual Ego’s. It’s like having a Bucket of Positive Paint, with which the Picture of the Imagination is Coloured into a Bias that gives impetus to Consciousness, causing a World where Suffering are at Levels it is Never been before. And yet – All the ‘Loving and Lighting’ People Manage to completely disregard this, in fact – to such a Stage, where: there is Not Even a Plan in the Making to Solve the Problem. Which means, we are in fact going to Experience the levels of Suffering that now exist or more, for a minimum of another 20 to 30 Years here on Earth.

I would Implore you, to Find within you: Self-Honesty. And to Realise – that something like a Psychic, can have a Place, if one would Focus on That which will Assist another in How to become a Valid part of Life on Earth – by Correcting Behaviour, to Result in That which is Best for All Life. Anything but that, would Lead to Separation, Division and Self-Interest – and No Matter how much you Profess Love: the fact of Reality Proves that Such ‘Love’ is but a Lie.

Enjoy the Video

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